Monday, January 24, 2011

6th grade D.A.R.E.

Starting in January 6th grade started D.A.R.E which means Drug Abuse Resistence Education. Their D.A.R.E. officier is Officer Collett. In D.A.R.E. the 6th graders learn about how drugs abuse your body and mind. They will learn what it's like to be drunk. Officer Collett wants them to see and feel what its like so, they relize how bad drugs and alchol are for you. Officer Collett hopes that after the 3 or 4 months he hopes everyone will graduate D.A.R.E and make good life choices.

The DARE box is something where you ask Officer Collett a question that you didn't have time to ask during class. You write your question down and put it in the box. During DARE Officer Collett will pull one or two questions and will answer them for you.

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