Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Portal Stars!

Third graders on twin/triplet day. This was a special spirit day. Students could dress alike. these kids are a group of 3rd graders!
These are third graders.This is on twin triplet day!
This is fifth graders on Nerd day, a special spirit day.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Portal Elementary raised $840.00 for the Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that works with the Papillion-La Vista school district. The Foundation supports teachers and students in the district. Star Council organized Hug-A-Friend before Valentine's Day. Students were able to purchase notes and hugs for friends in the building. 

Check out more information about the Papillion-La Vista Schools Foundation at: http://www.plvschoolsfoundation.org/

Monday, February 28, 2011

Twin Day

Star Council sponsored Twin Day a few weeks ago. Students dressed up like twins with a friend or two. Here are some pictures from the day.

5th and 6th Grade Bowling Field Trip

We went bowling because we were doing a bowling unit in P.E. The lowest score went to a 5th grader who had twelve.

1st graders on the 100th day of school!!!

 on the 100th day of school here at Portal Elementary, the first graders were working on their 100th day books, having a great time with friends!

The Basket Raffle

The Basket Raffle took place at Portal Elementary for a few weeks. People could buy raffle tickets and put them in bags for a chance to win that basket. People donated items for the baskets. Each grade level had a different basket theme. Winners were announced at Pizza Bingo Night, which happened Friday, February 25 at Papillion Monarch High School. People ate pizza and played bingo. If you won a bingo game, you won candy or cool little prizes. At the end of the night, they announced the basket winners. Students were crowded around the tables as they shook the bag and pulled out a ticket.

CoNgRatUlAtIOnS to all the winners!!!

Kdg baskets: Emily Lansman, David Gaskill, Kyleigh Long, Kendall Childers, William Welch and Cris Vigness.

1st grade baskets: Amber Arnold, Alex Jorgensen, Connor Rieck, Anna Anderson.

2nd grade baskets: Brianna Duffek, Ashley Chick, Emily Stover, Carly Adams

3rd grade baskets: Hanna Olson, Patricia Angle, Kevin Bray, Bradley Warner

4th grade baskets: Aidan Cho, Emma Lamontagne, Sabastien Arnold, Grace Bond, Grace Peterson, Lindsey Schanou.

5th grade baskets: Sabastien Arnold, Richard Kenney

6th grade baskets: Mrs. Ezra, Sarah Altman, Morgan S.

PE 5th grade pictures

5th grade kids are doing hockey in PE. We are learning how to dribble and shoot with hockey pucks.

D.A.R.E circus

The D.A.R.E circus was on Thursday February 24th 2011. All the 6th graders went to the circus because of their D.A.R.E. program. The D.A.R.E. circus trip showed kids that their were other fun things to do than doing drugs. The 6th graders left around 10:15 and returned around 2:00. Once they got back their afternoon was just aq regular guided reading afternoon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pizza Bingo Night Basket Raffle

Each grade level brought items for a themed basket. Tickets are for sale, and you can vote for the basket that you would like to win!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fidgety fifth graders

Fith grade loves rubix cubes.

PJ DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, today we have Ms.Volkmer's class in pjs, because today they are going to see the polar express.They decide to take a nice picture out in the hallway.

They also decided to...........


 5th Grade is working on pieces for their Music Program coming up in March.Right now they are working on the Instruments.

The Mayor is Coming!!!!!!!

On Friday, February 11th Mayor Kindig came for 2nd grade's Social Studies unit about American Government. He came to tell about his job and the kids asked him questions. It was held in the library.

1st Grade- Authors' Chair!!!

First grade has been working on writing projects this week.   They all wrote some short, personal narratives.  Then they were ready to share with the class!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

December Star Students

Congratulations December Star Students!
December’s Word of the Month was Caring.  The following students showed great examples of this characteristic and were chosen as our Star Students for the month:   

Mrs. Obrecht’s class – Brock Murtaugh 
Mrs. McGargill’s class – Caden Chadek
Mrs. Phillips’s class – Katie LaRandeau 
Ms. Volkmer’s class – Ethan Watkins 

First Grade:
Mrs. Hemenway’s class – Samantha Thurman 
Mrs. Heumann’s class – Kelsey Moore 
Mrs. Cain's class – Reagan Pumilia
Ms. Camp’s class – Reilly Healey 

Second Grade:
Mrs. Nelson’s class – Amelia Schaefer 
Mrs. Kimball’s class – Vivian Turnbull 
Ms. Marti’s class – Bailee Lampman
Ms. Darling’s class – Macy Flatness

Third Grade:
Ms. Hewett’s class – Emma Betts
Mrs. Easton’s class – Ava Santora 
Mrs. Christian’s class – Noah Olson 
Ms. Marvin’s class – McKenzie Campbell

Fourth Grade:
Mrs. Deloske’s class – Mikayla Galgerud 
Mrs. McBride’s class – Lauren Chubb 
Mrs. Prasch’s class – Mara LeGrand
Ms. Spencer’s class – Logan Miller

Fifth Grade:
Mrs. Wilson’s class – Alexa Busby 
Ms. Garcia’s class – Riley Lampman 
Mr. Guthmiller’s class – Kirsten Nelson 

Sixth Grade: 
Mr. Klug’s class – Jack Free 
Mr. Chaffee’s class – Alyssa Willcoxon
Mrs. Springer’s class – Amanda Shaffar

3rd grade Christmas party

Third grade had a blast at their holiday party!
Santas reindeer are always watching you!

Go reading!

Fifth grade loves reading.After every book they read fifth graders have to fill out a green sheet with questions about the book. They have to read five books by the end of the quarter. Go reading!

6th grade D.A.R.E.

Starting in January 6th grade started D.A.R.E which means Drug Abuse Resistence Education. Their D.A.R.E. officier is Officer Collett. In D.A.R.E. the 6th graders learn about how drugs abuse your body and mind. They will learn what it's like to be drunk. Officer Collett wants them to see and feel what its like so, they relize how bad drugs and alchol are for you. Officer Collett hopes that after the 3 or 4 months he hopes everyone will graduate D.A.R.E and make good life choices.

The DARE box is something where you ask Officer Collett a question that you didn't have time to ask during class. You write your question down and put it in the box. During DARE Officer Collett will pull one or two questions and will answer them for you.