Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Portal Raises 15,721 Diapers!

Portal students collected diapers from December 1-17. The original goal was to collect 7,500 diapers for the Lydia House in Omaha. The students at Portal more than doubled their goal by collecting 15,721 diapers! The Star Council members packed up cars and drove with parents to drop off all the diapers at Nobbies. Way to go Portal!

Portal's principal, Mr. Bohn, agreed to dress up as a baby if the students met their goal of 7,500 diapers. They did, and Mr. Bohn spent the day dressed like a baby!

6th Grade Band Performance

Portal's 6th grade band members performed for the entire school at the morning assembly. Their mid-year concert showcased the things they have been learning in band this semester. They finished their concert with Jingle Bells.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Star Students of the Month

November’s Word of the Month was Trustworthy. Congratulations to November's Star Students!

Kindergarten: Mrs. Phillips’s class: Lauren Heiman; Mrs. McGargill’s class: Emma Ortman; Mrs. Obrecht’s class: Riley Wakefield

First Grade: Ms. Camp’s class: Justin Gassaway; Mrs. Cain’s class: Taryn Jasinski; Mrs. Heumann’s class: Brady Perna; Mrs. Hemenway’s class: Baylee Towles

Second Grade: Mrs. Kimball’s class: Wesley Hazell; Ms. Marti’s class: Joshua Mai; Ms. Darling’s class: Haley Demman; Mrs. Nelson’s class: Jackson Ossenfort

Third Grade: Mrs. Easton’s class: Garrett Anglim; Mrs. Christian’s class: Blake Dreher; Ms. Hewett’s class: Shelby Krzemien; Ms. Marvin’s class: Ben Haynes

Fourth Grade: Mrs. Prasch’s class: Mitch Klassen; Mrs. Deloske’s class: Cheyenne Purchase; Ms. Spencer’s class: Aidan Cho; Mrs. McBride’s class: Gabby Duffek 

Fifth Grade: Mr. Guthmiller’s class: Jackson Speece; Ms. Garcia’s class: Abby Hicks; Mrs. Wilson’s class: Ally Richardson

Sixth Grade: Mrs. Springer’s class: Briana Leuck; Mr. Chaffee’s class: Larissa Hibbeler; and Mr. Klug’s class: Grace Heinert


Ooblek is sticky, wet and fun.
To make it you need cornstarch and water.
 If you want to see what it looks like it, here are some pictures of it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cursive 3rd grade

The 3rd graders are learning cursive.

Mr.Murray's Last Day!

On Friday December 3rd 2010, Mr.Murray the 6th grade student teacher came to Portal Elementary on his last day expecting a normal day. But, at 2:30 all 6th graders went to the gym for a surpirse party for him. He was so happy to see the 6th graders would miss him so much! Mr.Murray is a single father with a 2 year old son named Elijah. He made up raps about many things such as posters and fractions. 6th grade will miss him very, very much!!!